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Get the Dashler Toolbar
FAQs / How To

Browse Shortcuts & Tools

To add any item, just drag it by its icon and drop it into your Dashler Toolbar
• Organize your Toolbar by creating folders. Click "New Folder..." in the Toolbar's Main Menu.
• Don't forget, you can always add shortcuts and tools from within the Dashler Toolbar by using "Quick Find".
Free and lightweight blogging platform, aimed at quick and easy linking and sharing.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Share this
Adds this page to your Tumblr
A quick and easy blogging platform.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Share on Posterous
Launches the posterous bookmarklet.
Blogger hosts and publishes blogs for free.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Blog this
Adds this to your Blog
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