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• Don't forget, you can always add shortcuts and tools from within the Dashler Toolbar by using "Quick Find".
A very popular microblogging service.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Tweet this page
Updates your Twitter status to the title and url of the current page
• Tweet text
Updates your Twitter status
• Search Twitter for text
Searches Twitter, in real-time.
An online directory that connects people through social networks at colleges and universities, high schools, or workplace.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Share this page
Shares this page on Facebook
• Search facebook for text
Searches for someone on Facebook
Community driven news and link aggregation. Users vote to keep news items and links.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Is this on Digg?
Searches for this URL on Digg
• Submit to Digg
Submits this page to Digg
• Most Dugg from
Shows the stories by this website in order of Most Dugg
• Newly Dugg from
Shows the stories by this website in order of Newest First
Social bookmarks manager which allows users to tag, save, manage, and share webpages.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Info on this page
Shows how many people have bookmarked this page on Delicious, as well as what it has been tagged as
• Bookmark this page
Bookmarks this page on
• Notes on this page
Shows comments users added to this bookmark on Delicious
• Search: text
Searches for popular bookmarks containing the search term
What's new online. Submit, read, and discuss popular links.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Is this on Reddit?
Searches Reddit for the webpage you are currently viewing.
• Reddit this page
Shows Reddit stories about this page, and allows you to submit a story about it
• All time top stories from
Shows stories by this website in order of all time votes
A site for finding and sharing great web sites.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Stumble this page
Shares the page you are viewing with StumbleUpon
• Reviews of
Searches StumbleUpon
• Stumble for text
Searches StumbleUpon
Google Buzz
A bookmarking tool by Google.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Buzz this page
Google Buzzes the page you are viewing
• Bookmark this page
Bookmarks this page on Google.
A news service with the latest news, including user-submitted articles and columns.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Submit this page
Submits this page to Newsvine
• Search Newsview for text
Searches NewsVine
A site where people submit and comment on articles.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Most popular submissions from
Shows the most commented articles from the website you are viewing.
• Submit to Fark
Submits the page you are viewing to Fark.
Y! Buzz
Yahoo!'s social media site. Share and "buzz" articles.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Y! Buzz this page
Submit the page you are viewing to Y! Buzz.
Threaded discussions related to news for nerds.
Shortcuts and tools in this folder
• Submit this page
Submits this page to Slashdot
• Search Slashdot for text
Searches Slashdot
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